So today we got our first taste of an ice storm! You would think that most people wouldn't be excited about it but I was very excited. Mostly because I couldn't comprehend how an ice storm came about. Everyone described the effects of an ice storm to me (like ice and more ice and everything covered in ice) but in my mind I didn't understand how it couldn't be just rain or snow like in Utah. I mean if it is cold enough to freeze the rain into ice automatically why doesn't it just snow?
So let me see if I can describe what I saw to those of you who haven't seen an ice storm. Well it wasn't raining and it wasn't snowing. It had rained some yesterday so that rain then turned to ice but the weirdest thing was it was somewhat misty in the air like all the humidity in the air was encoumpasing everything and then freezing on contact. When we went outside we came back in with all our clothes damp but it wasn't raining at all. It was pretty cool. This morning when I looked outside every plant individual leaf, branch, or blade was covered completley in it's own ice casing. It's not that thick though and it doesn't look like it was really even that bad of an ice storm. Probably just a really really mild one the the people who are used to them.
I thought it was very neat-o though. They even canceled Stake Conference today! Can you believe it. I've never in my life had church or school cancled because of weather. The weather report said today is just supposed to get more ice and more ice and tomorrow is supposed to be even worse. Than on Tuesday it will finally be warm enough for just rain and no ice. Well I hope this was as interesting to every one else as it was to me.