So I thought this subject deserved it's very own post because it was freakin awesome. So what is La(u)ra day one might ask. Well it is a magical day when people who are named lara or laura get to leave this world and enter one of no kids, no worries, no husband, and endless amounts of money and fun.
Well I was lucky enough to participate in this wonderful occassion last Saturdy. (I've heard it only happens once in a 150 years like Haileys comet). My good friend Laura Clark was the other lucky participant.
It was GLORIOUS (to be sung). It all began at 3:15. My date, Laura, came over and we were swept away in a stylish dark green 2003 camery, can I get an ooohh yahh? We were taken to the beautiful Chesterfield Valley where we visited a magical village I believe called Mall. In this mall there are many shop keepers and merchants with wonderful nick-nacs and whoo haas. I purchased a few minor indulgent whoo haas (can I actually say that with out it sounding bad?)
Then when the day couldn't get any better Laura muttered the magical words P.F. Changs and our taste buds began to dance and sing. Lettuce Wraps, Changs Spicy Chicken, KUNG POW, and water with ice; it just can't get any better than this. After a most sensational dinner we did some window shopping at the chesterfield commons.
Finally to end the night we took in a movie called "Enchanted". It was the perfect movie for and enchanted day. I hope this La(u)ra dy can come more often because I had so much fun and I think I deserve it!