The Fam

The Fam

Petersons Are Grrrrrrrrrreat!

Petersons Are Grrrrrrrrrreat!



Friday, March 7, 2008

Happy Annivesary!!!

March 6th was our 4th Anniversary! Wow. That sure doesn't seem like very many years. I feel like we've always known each other and have always been together but it's only been 4 years of marriage and 2 years of dating. 6 years total. I am so happy that we got married. John is the perfect match for me. He gets me and lets me be me completley. I love him with all my heart. I am so happy that we got married in the temple so we can be a family forever.
For our anniversary we got each other gifts. I got John some new work out stuff because of our new commitment to working out and dieting. John got me a cute new Coach sachel purse. It was really really on sale so I didn't feel too bad about spending the money. In fact I spent more on John than he did on me and I freakin got a Coach purse. He (well I kind of got them when we were at costco and claimed they were from him even though he was in the bathroom when I picked them out) got me 24 long stem red roses. What a nice guy ;) We ate at Applebees for dinner and then just came home and did other things;)
Tonight Kristy from John's class is going to come over and watch Kaysen so we can go on a date together. He set it all up isn't that so nice. I am very excited.

*Update! So my weigh in date was this morning. Drum roll please! .......... 5.2 lbs in one week. That is a record for me for sure. I have been working out diligently and my diet is going great. I really like it because I can have little things here or there that I want and I don't feel like I am starving at all. The reason why I like it most is because I am seeing results. Hopefully I will still see some more results next week. John will weigh in on Tuesdays because that is the day he started working out and really watching what he eats.

*Update #2! So my mother, brother, sister-in-law, and nephew are all coming now on the 14th- the morning of the 17th! I am so excited to see them. We are going to be very busy around here for a few weeks because we are going to have a constant stream of family here. My sister comes the morning of the 17th when my mom and brother leave. She leaves the 23rd and John's parents are most likely coming the 24th and staying for a week. I am excited!


Al and Jenny said...

Wow!! Congrats on the weight loss. 5 lbs. in one week is fabulous!! You already look so adorable.

And happy anniversary! Al and I just had our 4th in October. It has gone by so fast. I feel like we've done a lot in those 4 years.

I am excited for you and all of your family that is coming to visit. I have been so homesick lately, which is ridiculous because I was just home for Christmas. Oh well.

I hope you have all sorts of fun hanging out with your family. What a fun month for you!!

nyn said...

WOW!! 5lbs. Did you even have that much to lose? You are so hot. I am really impressed.
So are you going to girls night Saturday? Can I catch a ride with you or maybe get some directions?
just call me mooch :)

Dave and Marie said...

Congratulations three times!!! That is so sweet that he set up the date. It's awesome that you and John are goal setting together too. I'm so amazed by how much you've lost! I've been kicking my but for the past two months and what do I have to show for it? I've gained weight.. I'm so glad for you! And, Lara I care about what you say.

tracyp said...

Congrats on the weight loss! I must say I'm a little jealous..of course if I would actually work out...oh well. I'll live vicariously thru you.